
This website pertains to Anindita Dutta & Associates, company secretaries in practice. This website is meant solely for the purpose of information and not for the purpose of advertising and solicitation of any assignments or professional engagements in any manner. By accessing this website, you acknowledge and confirm that you are seeking information relating to Anindita Dutta & Associates of your own accord and that there has been no form of solicitation, advertisement or inducement by Anindita Dutta & Associates or its members. The content of this website is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as soliciting or advertisement. No material/information provided on this website should be construed as legal advice. Anindita Dutta & Associates shall not be liable for consequences of any action taken by relying on the material/information provided on this website. The contents of this website are the intellectual property of Anindita Dutta & Associates.